Webinar: A COVID-19 e a infraestrutura de missão crítica: atualização e perguntas e respostas com o Uptime Institute
Presentation Title:
Webinar: A COVID-19 e a infraestrutura de missão crítica: atualização e perguntas e respostas com o Uptime Institute
Andy Lawrence, Executive Director of Research,
Rhonda Ascierto, Vice President Research,
Fred Dickerman, Senior Consultant,
Chris Brown, Chief Technical Officer,
Todd Traver, Vice President IT Optimization and Strategy,
Amber Villegas Williamson, Consultant
Hear the latest on how operators and owners of mission critical infrastructure are affected by, and responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. This session will include an extended Q&A session with Uptime Institute experts, in which we respond to live questions and to some of those received over the past two weeks.